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Is it wrong of me that this is the first thing that comes to mind when I see "tagging"
One problem I have with tagging is the same problem I have with much of the internet - the disturbing rise of cultural enclaves. One of the advantages of authority records and cataloging subject headings is that they are standardized and constitute a universal language. By allowing users to define metatags, you will to some extent get a type of balkanization of internet users and internet information. People more and more use their own unique language to communicate with unique individuals and access information through their own unique channels.
I'm tempted to let this be the entire content of my post. However I will go on to say that I did have a lengthy conversation about Twitter with my friends a couple of months back. I believe the general consensus was summed up by the statement, "I really don't care to know what you are doing on a daily basis. You're not that interesting."
The library I work at has used instant messaging for some time now via an online reference chatline. For the most part the service is great but I do have a few reservations about using online messaging in the library environment. 1 - The lack of follow up. Several times when I've responded to reference questions though instant messages, the patron on the other end has left the program while I was in the midst of an explanation and I have no idea why. Did I already fix the problem? Did something else come up? Did they just give up? The sad thing is that I'll never know if I was helpful at all.2 - textual communication sucksAs I librarian I rely upon body language, voice tone, facial expressions, etc. to fill me in on what the patron is often unable to express in words. I often find that a 10 second conversation can do what it would take me several e-mails over a week or dozens of instant messages to accomplish.Still instant messaging is the communication of choice for today's college student. Several librarians here at work have commented on the fact that often times they will find patrons using the chat line even though they are physically sitting less than 10 feet from the librarian on the other end.
OK while Facebook creeped me out, I was able to find dozens of different groups based on my hobbies, my favorite shows, things my friends were interested in, etc. However Ning searches were coming up completely empty. Either the search engine was crap (a distinct possibility) or there just isn't that much content. It's good to know that somethinng like this is out there though. I can see an application like Ning being useful for a smaller dedicated group to social network.
OK I've been out on vacation and otherwise occupied lately so I've fallen behind on my postings. So this is me catching up.Facebook creeps the hell out of me. No seriously.The first thing, facebook asked me was if I wanted to be friends with my old gaming buddy, I guy I worked with for several years and my gradschool roommate. How did it know?!? I swear I almost looked behind me. Of course it took a few seconds more before my brain synapses began firing I figured out that it was my e-mail address.Still it is scarry to think about how much information is out there as public information. It is easy to see why facebook is so popular. It does all of the hard lifting for you.I'm not really impressed with the facebook groups though. I'm already a member of a yahoo group where I'm able to share information with a tight group of friends. I also am a member of several web boards where I can go to ask or answer questions. I also subscribe to a few RSS feeds to keep up to date on topics I'm interested in. Those types of site seem to me to have far more practical use for my interests. The Facebook groups on the otherhand seem to me to have have a much higher "noise to signal" ratio to me. I guess I'm just not a online social networking kind of guy. If I want to hang out and talk I'll go see my friends in the flesh.